Most men wouldn’t describe their underwear as life changing, but one of 22 year old Danieal Cormier’s customer’s can. The transformative addition to the underwear was simple, but something men’s undergarments had never seen before – pockets. “This one guy in particular that I remember, told me this when I first started the company and it kind of stuck with me,” Cormier said. “He used … Continue reading

Wearing the High Tech Future

Tom Emrich recently went to a wedding where no smart phones or electronic devices were allowed. The bridge and groom didn’t want their perfect outdoor wedding scene disturbed. Not a problem for Emrich however. His sunglasses take video, so he was able to capture the whole wedding discreetly. “I was able to capture the entire ceremony,” Emrich said. “For the bride, groom, and also for … Continue reading Wearing the High Tech Future

Homme Mystere Underwear

If you’ve ever been jealous of your girlfriend’s underwear, Homme Mystere has just the thing. Homme Mystere is a men’s underwear line, with a more feminine touch. The line was designed by Brent Krause and his wife. Krause’s creations are underwear for men, that take on what are stereotypically seen as  women’s fabrics and cuts. According to Krause the designer couple “Always wanted to make … Continue reading Homme Mystere Underwear

Makeup How-To for Men

By Radhika Bhardwaj T.V. and movie starts are seldom seen without some product on their face – and I’m not just taking about the girls. Makeup isn’t just for women anymore, use it to groom and clean up your look – without anyone being able to detect a thing. To achieve the perfect “No-makeup” look, the most important thing is to stay away from anything too … Continue reading Makeup How-To for Men