A Perfect Fit

By Radhika Bhardwaj When was the last time you had something tailored to fit perfectly? If you’re anything like most men, it was probably the last time you bought a suit, and maybe not even then. Although nowadays it’s the norm to buy pre-sized clothing, over a hundred years ago it wasn’t. Men and women alike would get their clothes tailored to fit impeccably, regardless … Continue reading A Perfect Fit

The bow tie: what does it say about you?

By: Deidra Barton They come in all different shapes and sizes and every colour you can think of. It’s a ribbon of fabric you tie around the neck for decoration. Silk, cotton, polyester, striped or polka dots-you name it you can find it. The bow tie is a popular neck accessory for men that is worn by all types of people for different occasions, or … Continue reading The bow tie: what does it say about you?

The Plus-Sized Revolution

By: Radhika Bhardwaj There is a lot happening in the plus sized fashion industry lately. No longer do women who don’t fit the standard sizes of the fashion industry, have to settle on unshapely or boring clothing. Many clothing stores in Toronto carry lines specifically for plus sized women, such as Forever 21, or Laura plus. Now women have plus sized clothing options that are … Continue reading The Plus-Sized Revolution