Most men wouldn’t describe their underwear as life changing, but one of 22 year old Danieal

Cormier’s customer’s can.

The transformative addition to the underwear was simple, but something men’s undergarments

had never seen before – pockets.

“This one guy in particular that I remember, told me this when I first started the company and it

kind of stuck with me,” Cormier said. “He used to go to sleep every night wearing a pair of jeans,

just because his jeans had pockets and he had to keep putting his insulin pump in them. After

he discovered our company, he could sleep in his underwear. ‘It changed his life is’ what he


Cormier originally invented the underwear as a place to store his cell phone. While putting on a

pair of gym shorts, he began to wonder why he didn’t own underwear with pockets. He

immediately attempted to buy some.

“I went online to buy a pair and was very shocked that no one was doing it yet. I thought it was a

cool idea,” he said. “So I hopped in the car and bought a sewing machine and all the stuff I


Two years later Danieal’s Underwear is sold online, with customers in America, Europe, and

across Canada. Cormier’s customers tell him how they like the prints and fits (all of which

Cormier chooses himself), and other uses they’ve found for the underwear.

“Firefighters and policemen have pagers so they carry their pagers in it,” Cormier said. “People

use them when they travel to have more on body storage, but also to avoid pickpocketing. ”

Syed Sohail hasn’t had found his life altering pair of underwear yet. Sohail runs The Prep Guy, a

fashion website and is a very fashionable man. Though his outer style is important to him what

you can’t see Sohail wearing doesn’t get as much of his attention.

“In terms of all the other items in my wardrobe, I’d say the style of my underwear is not

important because it’s not something that you show everyone.” Sohail said. “As long as I’m

comfortable and I feel good, I’ll be okay.”

What Sohail finds important, like most men, is comfort and function, not appearance.

“It’s one of the few items in our wardrobe we see that is meant to be the most comfortable and

the most functional.” Sohail said. “In terms of what it looks like it’s not that important to myself,”

Sohail said.

Function is probably why Danieal’s Underwear originally lured it’s customers, but they’ve found

some other bonuses.

“I’ve had guys say our underwear makes their butt look perkier,” Cormier said.

From what Cormier has seen men absolutely care about their underwear. For instance, he had

to churn out more than his original boxer design, to gain and please more customers.

“They specifically loved the idea but wouldn’t buy them because they only wore briefs. So I

thought, okay let’s make some briefs then,” he said. “I think they think about the aesthetic as


Rebecca Rosenblat is registered psychotherapist and host of the call in television show ‘Sex @

10 with Rebecca’. Rosenblat finds men may be pay more attention to their own personal

aesthetic, rather than that of their underwear.

“For men it’s how they feel they look to themselves. It’s not necessarily as much partner based.”

Rosenblat said. “Men just love if the underwear give them that bulge or that sexy look and

they’re more concerned with how great they look to themselves. Men tell me they like it if I look

well hung or like a pornstar. It’s displaying the goodies in a way they look good.”

Even though they may not be dressing up for that partner, does that partner notice?

“Hell yes!” Rosenblat said “Especially if it’s holed or skid marked. If it shows they don’t care then

it bothers [women] but they don’t obsess over what it looks like.”

Dr. Jessica O’Reilly (Dr. Jess, PhD), VigorMan’s Sex & Relationship Expert, agrees with

Rosenblat’s sentiments that dressing up is important to your partner.

“Our undergarments not only enhance the sexual experience from a visual perspective, but also

from an experiential one” O’Reilly said. “What men wear beneath their pants can be a deal

breaker when it comes to sex regardless of whether they date men or women” said O’Reilly

“Ripped, old and/or dirty underwear can be a turn-off.”

According to O’Reilly, wearing sexy underwear has more than just a visually appealing effect.

“When you wear underwear that make you feel sexy, you’re demeanour changes as a result of

the confidence boost. You adjust your body language, facial expressions, movements, posture

and the tone and cadence of your voice to reflect your sexual self-esteem.” said O’Reilly. “Even

if you don’t plan on stripping down, it may be a good idea to wear your Sunday best just in


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